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Every First & Third Sunday of the Month

Practica: 15.30 - 18.30

Workshop & Practica £5

Practica Only - £3

We try to arrange a workshop once a month at the first practica of the month

Everyone is welcome - no matter where you are on your tango journey

We follow the Tango Traditional Rules/Etiquette at the Practicas and we encourage you to practise using the Ronda (stay in your line of dance) & use the Cabeceo

Try not to impede other dancers on the floor

Beginners please use the centre of the  Ronda to practise any specific move, or a small room can be made available for you - ask Nas!

Please do NOT do any lifts at the practicas!!

Tea, coffee & soft drinks included but if you wish you may bring something savoury or a cake for the Sharing table - but you don't have to!!

The usual music style is as below but occasionally this may change

First Sunday - Music by Su; Danceable traditional with an occasional surprise! tanda 

Third Sunday - Music by Andy; Nuevo and Non-Traditional with an occasional tandas of Traditional Milonga & Vals

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